Turkish Airlines flight from Hong Kong to Istanbul

The Best Airport Lounge I’ve Ever Had the Pleasure of…Lounging At

This Big Body lives a relatively unglamorous lifestyle. As I currently pen this article, I’m wearing a faded t-shirt that I ordered on Amazon for $8, athletic shorts with several BBQ sauce stains, and a pair of tan boat shoes that have holes at the bottom, letting water seep through any time it rains. 

It’s a life devoid of fancy watches and chains, Hi-So club memberships and debutante balls, and Beluga caviar and bottles of Dom. I also don’t even have curtains for my apartment, and I’ve been living there for over a year now. But it’s my life and I quite enjoy it.

But now and then, I get a thirst for how those on the other side live. I think it’s to make up for the fact that I never had a quinceañera. And because of my frugality at most points of the year, I’m able to occasionally splurge. Most recently, I kicked off my three-month stint in Europe with a flight from Hong Kong to Amsterdam via Turkish Airlines, with a six-hour-plus layover at the Istanbul Airport. Oh, and I did the same thing again for my return flight back to Hong Kong.  

Normally, I’d spend this time sitting at my gate, staring at the board, slugging a handful of Coke Zeroes, going to the bathroom every 15 minutes because of the aforementioned Coke Zero slugging, contemplating paying for WiFi, talking myself out of paying for WiFi, and wishing I brought I book. Rinse and repeat. 

But that wasn’t the case this time as I posted up in the Turkish Airlines International Business Lounge for the bulk of my layover, consuming more baba ganoush and nutty rectangles of baklava than any man should in a single sitting, mixing in several power naps to rest this weary traveling soul of mine, and tossing back countless double espressos in an attempt to counter the jetlag (which I’m pretty sure was ill-advised). 

Note: If you are a tenant of the building across from me and have to see me looking like a naked Bigfoot every night, arms swinging in that distinct cryptozoological walk as I walk to the fridge for a late-night swig of water, then please feel free to shame me in the comments. 

This post is not meant to be braggadocious or self-aggrandizing, it’s simply written to provide a little nugget of information that could (possibly) make your next layover in Istanbul a memorable and less painful one. Funnily enough, this trip was booked several months prior, in a state of pure ignorance (and bliss) of what was about to come – a financial reckoning due to losing my biggest client the month before departure to the Old Continent. 

Here are 5 reasons why the Turkish Airlines International Business Lounge is hands down the best airport lounge I’ve ever had the pleasure of…lounging at. 

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