Soho escalators Hong Kong

How Much Does It Cost to Rent an Apartment in Mid-Levels, Hong Kong?

Simply put, the cost to rent an apartment in Mid-Levels, let alone Hong Kong, can vary drastically. While Hong Kong is consistently ranked (and often tied for first) as one of the most expensive cities to live in, there are some reasonable rent deals you can find – it just depends on what you are willing to compromise on (ex. Location, walk-up vs. lift, furnished vs. unfurnished). 

While this was by no means my favorite apartment I have ever rented or lived in, it has felt the most like home. Hong Kong has always felt like home and is the city I am planning to continue to base myself. And for me, that’s the most important.

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Split Croatia

Renting a Luxury Apartment in Split, Croatia

One of the biggest reasons I stayed in Split, Croatia for so long was because I absolutely loved my apartment. Split is hands down a seasonal city, with the bulk of visitors heading there every summer to hit the beach, check out the outlying islands, and scoot around the Adriatic Sea on a yacht – so I imagine renting a luxury apartment in Split in the summer can be extremely cutthroat, and potentially overpriced. 

However, I’m going to walk you through a bit about the luxury apartment I stayed in, what made it the best apartment I’ve ever rented, and where you can look online to rent luxury apartments in Split, Croatia

Let’s get started! 

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