lion dance Chinese New Year on Cheung Chau

Visiting Hong Kong in February

Visiting Hong Kong in February is the ideal time of year for tourists who might otherwise be put off by Hong Kong’s hot and humid temperatures in the summer, want to take advantage of all outdoor activities the city has to offer, and want to experience one of Hong Kong’s biggest festivals – Chinese New Year. 

However, it is one of the most expensive months due to the coming of the Chinese New Year, which generally occurs anywhere from the end of January to mid-February. The Lunar New Year holiday also means ‘downtime’ on certain days, where residents spend the day and night with family, and shops, restaurants, and bars are closed.

It can be a somewhat tricky time of the year in Hong Kong to navigate but I assure you it’s well worth it – especially watching the Chinese New Year Day Parade with mesmerizing dragons, traditional Chinese dancers, and vibrant floats that weaves through Tsim Sha Tsui (TST) and the Chinese New Year fireworks in full display over Hong Kong’s iconic skyline and Victoria Harbor.  

Personally, February is one of my favorite months of the year, next to October and November. I have a feeling it might just be the perfect time for you to visit Hong Kong. 

Pale Ale Travel Tip: If you want a breakdown of what traveling to Hong Kong at every point in the year looks like, make sure to check out my post ‘When is the Best Time to Visit Hong Kong?’.

Continue reading “Visiting Hong Kong in February”
every Hong Kong banknote denomination on table

What Currency Does Hong Kong Use? A Complete Guide to the Hong Kong Dollar

Hong Kong is a special administrative region (SAR) of China that has its own currency, which is called the Hong Kong Dollar. 

Below, I’ll explain what Hong Kong’s currency is called, provide an overview and brief history, its names in both English and Chinese/Cantonese, and how it’s identified in local and international transactions (denominations, symbols, abbreviations). 

Continue reading “What Currency Does Hong Kong Use? A Complete Guide to the Hong Kong Dollar”
Warta River at sunset

9 Picturesque Runs in Europe That Kept Me From Looking Like Grimace

This is not going to be a particularly targeted post. It’s somewhat of a hodgepodge collection of runs that I strapped on my ultra-wide New Balances while traveling in Europe for 3 months this past summer to avoid looking like Grimace.

This trip wouldn’t have been as memorable as it was without taking some time to stop and smell the grass (and pavement?) via a handful of scenic runs. Not only did these runs allow me to “burn some cals” before a night out, which inevitably involved slugging 12 ‘light’ European lagers, but they also helped me get to know the city (and country) I was staying in better. 

If anything, I hope this post provides a launching point for all the runners (of all skill levels) who find themselves in Europe for their next adventure. 

Maybe, just maybe, you’ll end up in one (or more) of the cities on this list. In that case, you at least have one run in your back pocket to get out there and experience the area in a completely underrated way. 

Here are 9 runs in Europe that not only kept me in shape during my 3 months in the Old Continent but emphatically made my trip the best one of my life and made me feel a part of the social fabric of each country. 

It goes without saying BUT all of these scenic running routes also make for great walks too!

Pale Ale Travel Note: For easy scannability and reference, I’ve just grouped the runs by the country that they are in. I’ve also included my personal Strava maps for each run to give you an idea of what the exact route looked like. Finally, to keep things simple, all route lengths are provided for in kilometers. 

Continue reading “9 Picturesque Runs in Europe That Kept Me From Looking Like Grimace”
xiao long bao from Din Tai Fung Hong Kong

Is Hong Kong Expensive to Visit?

“Is Hong Kong Expensive?” is a common question I receive from readers, specifically those contemplating and/or planning a trip to ‘Asia’s World City’. Without sounding too much like a clickbait YouTube thumbnail (and failing), the answer might actually shock you, as Hong Kong may be more affordable than you initially might think. 

However, that doesn’t mean you’re completely out of the weeds as several key expenses can ‘break the bank’ (so to speak).

Below, I’ll walk you through the cost of travel in Hong Kong, using anecdotes and personal experiences from my nearly seven years living here. You’ll walk away with a sound understanding of prices in terms of specific items but also experiences, things, and other categories of travel essentials.

You’ll also get a rough feel of exactly how much your trip to Hong Kong may cost. So, without further ado, how expensive is Hong Kong? 

Pale Ale Travel Note: As people from all over the world are reading this post, I’ve decided to use Hong Kong Dollars (HKD/HK$) as the main currency for all costs – just to keep things simple. 

Continue reading “Is Hong Kong Expensive to Visit?”
小女孩找换店 shopfront

My Go-To Spot to Exchange Money in Hong Kong

If you’re traveling to Hong Kong, heading out on your next adventure, or are in the city and looking to convert some of your extra foreign currency for Hong Kong Dollars (HKD), making sure you have the right currency is essential for not only a smooth trip but basic survival. 

That’s coming from someone who has shown up to a country (or two), realizing that he had completely forgotten to (responsibly) exchange for the local currency before departing or even learn what the actual currency of said country was, resulting in a hectic scramble to find the nearest ATM followed by my bank rejecting a withdrawal because I forgot to inform them of my upcoming travel plans. 

The point is that it’s always a good idea to have a reputable and efficient currency exchange in your back pocket should you need to convert foreign currency to HKD or vice versa. 

The reality of currency exchanges is that there are both official (and honest) and black market money exchanges, which will give you a fair exchange rate or milk you for all your worth. A reasonable and fair exchange rate can make or break a budget, especially in a city like Hong Kong where every dollar counts.

No one wants to get taken advantage of by unfavorable currency exchange rates or hidden fees. However, finding a trustworthy currency exchange in a city you’ve never been to, or don’t know that well, can feel like an insurmountable task. 

Here is my go-to currency exchange in Hong Kong that has proven itself to offer fair and competitive exchange rates along with efficient, consistent service so that you don’t get ripped off and/or have to settle for less-than-ideal conversion rates. 

Continue reading “My Go-To Spot to Exchange Money in Hong Kong”
Hong Kong city center

The Best Way to Get From Hong Kong Airport to the City Center

Look, I know it was a long flight to Hong Kong. You didn’t sleep well. They only had 3 random episodes of Curb Your Enthusiasm teed up on the TV. You sat next to that one dude with a long mole hair protruding from his face and would awkwardly lean on your shoulder whenever he fell asleep. And you had some questionable jellied meat and petrified eggs that may or may not put a damper on your first day in the city. 

How do I know this? I’ve been there before. Got the T-shirt. Thrown out my underpants. Embarrassingly called the hotel front desk to ask if they could send up a plunger. Hid my face as I awkwardly grasped said plunger from the hands of hotel staff. Experienced the unabating headache. Started the trip out already feeling like it wasn’t on my terms. 

There are a lot of variables when it comes to traveling, some of them well within your grasp, others far outside. 

While you can’t control whether or not the plane hits a stretch of turbulence on your way to Hong Kong, turbulence so devastating that it has you typing out “love you” messages to everyone you can think of, including your high school sweetheart Maria, who is married and happy now and still thinks you’re a loser because you lived at home with your mother for an extended period while you were figuring things out – fortunately, you can control how you get into the city center.

No dilly-dallying. No pitstops along the way. No B.S.. 

Here is the best way to get from Hong Kong Airport to the city center so that you can start your trip off in ‘Asia’s World City’ on sound footing. 

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Toy Story Land at Hong Kong Disneyland

Is It Worth Visiting Hong Kong Disneyland as an Adult?

Frankly, this Big Body never revisiting Disneyland after his chunky 12-year-old self stuffed his portly frame into a Mickey Mouse t-shirt, his finest New Balance shoes (yes, I was a New Balance guy even at 12), and athletic shorts, armed with his autograph book, and made the trip with his father and brother one sweltering summer. 

Side Note: It was actually a trip to Disney World in Orlando, Florida, which I Googled and learned there’s a difference between the two – Disney World being far larger and a complex of numerous parks, resorts, and on-site transportation systems. But I digress. 

However, in the last four years in Hong Kong, I’ve been to Hong Kong Disneyland twice. 

Count it. Twice. 

As a single man in his early to mid-thirties (depending on how you look at it), I always assumed that my prime Disney days were behind me. That I was washed up and past my peak, that I’d look extremely out of place. I also imagined suspicious glances from parents and park employees, ready to call up the boys in blue to throw me in Disneyland jail, or worse, escort me out and toss me in actual jail.  

But thanks to two of my top dawgz in Hong Kong, one male dawg and one lady dawgette, that mental barrier was broken down for Big Body – leading to what I’d consider two of the most memorable days of my past four years in Hong Kong. 

Here is why you should completely shed any sense apprehension about visiting Hong Kong Disneyland as an adult, suspend disbelief for a day, and dust off and toss on a pair of those Mickey or Minnie ears you keep in that one box under your bed and wistfully glance at when trying to rustle up old receipts for tax season.  

But first, let’s dig into some of the practical deets about getting to the most magical place on Lantau, what day(s) to book tickets, and several other administrative formalities that all adults should mentally prepare for (especially if you’re making the pilgrimage with children). 

Continue reading “Is It Worth Visiting Hong Kong Disneyland as an Adult?”
view of Hong Kong Island from Sir Cecil's

5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving to Hong Kong

“I wish that I knew what I know now…” Hong Kong is my home. My best friends are here. My company is here. My family is here (my ‘Fahza’). It’s where I feel most at peace, most productive, and most secure. But it has taken quite a long time to even feel marginally like I have my sh!t together here. And I use that phrase loosely.  

Moving back at the height of quarantine and lockdowns in 2020 (after 6 years away) wasn’t all peaches and cream for Allen Iverson and me. Coming back as a newly minted 30-year-old came with its own challenges, delusions, and realizations.

Here are 5 things I wish I knew before moving back to Hong Kong in my 30s with some favorite pictures of mine from these last 4 years sprinkled throughout. Granted, it was extremely formative coming to these realizations and having these reflections the hard way and I wouldn’t trade anything for it. 

I think there’s something to be said about sometimes needing to touch the stove just to know for yourself that the burner is actually on, so I don’t wish I had known ‘them’ before moving to Hong Kong. I’m glad I touched the burner and my palm ended up like Harry’s from Home Alone after Kevin McCallister heated the doorknob to an estimated 700 degrees Fahrenheit – but I’m also thankful I didn’t take a blowtorch to my already disastrous hairline.  

Now, these are my confessions (reflections) – cue Usher’s soothing, sensual voice to take you into things.

Continue reading “5 Things I Wish I Knew Before Moving to Hong Kong”
Chi Lin Nunnery

Why Nan Lian Garden & Chi Lin Nunnery Need to Be on Your Hong Kong Bucket List

If you read my recent post about eating at the popular Singaporean-originated Shanghainese chain ‘Paradise Dynasty’ in Kai Tak the other week with my Old Man, then you already know that it was one of my favorite Hong Kong days ever. 

And that’s because it wasn’t just any typical lunch. It was one with purpose.

That’s right. It was time to go be a tourist in my own city and revisit an area that honestly, I hadn’t stepped foot in since several years prior when I was still playing baseball and probably 15 kgs lighter – enter the iconic Chi Lin Nunnery and Nan Lian Garden in Diamond Hill.

Here’s why the Nan Lian Garden and Chi Lin Nunnery need to be on your Hong Kong bucket list…as of YESTERDAY!

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Turkish Airlines flight from Hong Kong to Istanbul

The Best Airport Lounge I’ve Ever Had the Pleasure of…Lounging At

This Big Body lives a relatively unglamorous lifestyle. As I currently pen this article, I’m wearing a faded t-shirt that I ordered on Amazon for $8, athletic shorts with several BBQ sauce stains, and a pair of tan boat shoes that have holes at the bottom, letting water seep through any time it rains. 

It’s a life devoid of fancy watches and chains, Hi-So club memberships and debutante balls, and Beluga caviar and bottles of Dom. I also don’t even have curtains for my apartment, and I’ve been living there for over a year now. But it’s my life and I quite enjoy it.

But now and then, I get a thirst for how those on the other side live. I think it’s to make up for the fact that I never had a quinceañera. And because of my frugality at most points of the year, I’m able to occasionally splurge. Most recently, I kicked off my three-month stint in Europe with a flight from Hong Kong to Amsterdam via Turkish Airlines, with a six-hour-plus layover at the Istanbul Airport. Oh, and I did the same thing again for my return flight back to Hong Kong.  

Normally, I’d spend this time sitting at my gate, staring at the board, slugging a handful of Coke Zeroes, going to the bathroom every 15 minutes because of the aforementioned Coke Zero slugging, contemplating paying for WiFi, talking myself out of paying for WiFi, and wishing I brought I book. Rinse and repeat. 

But that wasn’t the case this time as I posted up in the Turkish Airlines International Business Lounge for the bulk of my layover, consuming more baba ganoush and nutty rectangles of baklava than any man should in a single sitting, mixing in several power naps to rest this weary traveling soul of mine, and tossing back countless double espressos in an attempt to counter the jetlag (which I’m pretty sure was ill-advised). 

Note: If you are a tenant of the building across from me and have to see me looking like a naked Bigfoot every night, arms swinging in that distinct cryptozoological walk as I walk to the fridge for a late-night swig of water, then please feel free to shame me in the comments. 

This post is not meant to be braggadocious or self-aggrandizing, it’s simply written to provide a little nugget of information that could (possibly) make your next layover in Istanbul a memorable and less painful one. Funnily enough, this trip was booked several months prior, in a state of pure ignorance (and bliss) of what was about to come – a financial reckoning due to losing my biggest client the month before departure to the Old Continent. 

Here are 5 reasons why the Turkish Airlines International Business Lounge is hands down the best airport lounge I’ve ever had the pleasure of…lounging at. 

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Grab driver with woman on bike

Is There Uber in Vietnam? This Other Ride-Hailing App Puts Uber to Shame

Vietnam isn’t what I would consider to be a destination for first-time travelers. It can be chaotic, loud, raw, unpredictable, and in your face. But that’s also why it’s addictive and one of my absolute favorite places. Once you prepare yourself to mentally and physically feel vulnerable, step outside of your comfort zone, and keep an open mind, there’s undoubtedly an enchanting character, environment, and depth that can be found in every pocket of the country, making it surprisingly more sustainable and comfortable than you might have first imagined. 

Having spent over one year living in Ho Chi Minh City (aka Saigon), Vietnam, with regular month-long stints mixed into my yearly travels in subsequent years, I was one of the biggest ride-hailing app proponents in the country. It’s part and parcel of everyday life in Vietnam, for both locals and foreigners and you’d be hard-pressed to find someone who hasn’t used the country’s most popular ride-hailing and delivery service at least once. 

However, if you think I’m talking about Uber, you’d be completely wrong. Uber is not available in Vietnam. Instead, almost 50% of the Vietnamese population uses the Southeast Asia-based ride-hailing service ‘Grab’ to get from Point A to Point B. I assure you, it puts Uber to shame with how comprehensive, affordable, and convenient it is.  

Since Uber’s exit from the Southeast Asian market in 2018, Grab has overwhelmingly snagged the top spot as the region’s top ride-hailing app and service. It is a ‘one-stop-shop’ for everything you could want – from convenient and affordable transport to food delivery services, insurance and financial services, and even the ability to send packages and documents. I refer to it as a ‘super app’. In fact, most of Southeast Asia uses this app, so if you’re planning on making a trip, this is a must-download on your phone. 

Here is everything you need to know about using ride-hailing services in Vietnam, alternative transportation methods available, and key scams and safety considerations to keep in mind when navigating this incredible country.  

Pale Ale Travel Note: Don’t forget to check out my entire archive of Vietnam content here

Continue reading “Is There Uber in Vietnam? This Other Ride-Hailing App Puts Uber to Shame”
Pale Ale Travel Newsletter

Free Travel Inspiration & Guides Sent Right to Your Inbox

We are coming up on nearly 4 months of my (free) Pale Ale Travel newsletter going live. Side note: I’m not sure why I said ‘We’ when it’s just me…Big Body. And, I’m proud of it. I know when I first published this announcement about the newsletter, there wasn’t much to show for it. 

So, I thought I would give you all some better insight into what it looks like and what you can expect 3-4 times per month (right to your inbox) – completely free.

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